Pulled from <conedatascience/covid-data>. The column vax_n returns vaccination counts. Population references are available for the user to calculate distribution and/or per capita rates.

get_vaccinations_demo(county_list = NULL, demographic = NULL, status = NULL)



a string, the county to pull. default is all counties.


a string, the demographic requested. one or more of "race", "age", "ethnicity", "sex". default is all demographics


string, either 'partial' or 'full' for number of people with partially or fully vaccinated. Default of NULL returns both.



get_vaccinations_demo(county_list = "Guilford",
                      demographic = 'race', status = 'partial')

#>      date_pulled    week_of aggregation_level   county demographic
#>   1:  2022-01-19 2020-12-14            County Guilford        Race
#>   2:  2022-01-19 2020-12-21            County Guilford        Race
#>   3:  2022-01-19 2021-01-04            County Guilford        Race
#>   4:  2022-01-19 2021-01-11            County Guilford        Race
#>   5:  2022-01-19 2021-01-18            County Guilford        Race
#>  ---                                                              
#> 344:  2022-01-19 2021-01-04            County Guilford        Race
#> 345:  2022-01-19 2021-02-01            County Guilford        Race
#> 346:  2022-01-19 2021-02-08            County Guilford        Race
#> 347:  2022-01-19 2021-02-15            County Guilford        Race
#> 348:  2022-01-19 2021-02-22            County Guilford        Race
#>                   demographic_identity  status
#>   1: American Indian or Alaskan Native partial
#>   2: American Indian or Alaskan Native partial
#>   3: American Indian or Alaskan Native partial
#>   4: American Indian or Alaskan Native partial
#>   5: American Indian or Alaskan Native partial
#>  ---                                          
#> 344:                             White partial
#> 345:                             White partial
#> 346:                             White partial
#> 347:                             White partial
#> 348:                             White partial
#>                                  variable county_demo_pop vax_n
#>   1: People at Least Partially Vaccinated            4610     0
#>   2: People at Least Partially Vaccinated            4610     8
#>   3: People at Least Partially Vaccinated            4610     8
#>   4: People at Least Partially Vaccinated            4610    10
#>   5: People at Least Partially Vaccinated            4610    29
#>  ---                                                           
#> 344: People at Least Partially Vaccinated          306101  2256
#> 345: People at Least Partially Vaccinated          306101  7473
#> 346: People at Least Partially Vaccinated          306101  5932
#> 347: People at Least Partially Vaccinated          306101  2408
#> 348: People at Least Partially Vaccinated          306101  8544